Module 1:
This module is to help students to learn how to change their lives by firstly changing their thoughts.
Illustrations will be done to explain congruency (agreement) of thought and actions.
- You cannot think of going to Lagos from Ibadan and suddenly find yourself on Ilorin way.
- You cannot think of a teacher as being wicked and at the same time enjoy his teachings.
Human beings always shift toward their dominating thought, in a nutshell you become what you think and move towards your imagination.
Galvanize your thought to see possibility. What you can imagine, you can get but what you cannot imagine you cannot strive to achieve. There are thousands of reasons to fail in your academic performance; you have to make up your mind, see possibilities and aim high; remember that the sky is your limit. Our imagination is our compass in life.
Human thoughts often run like the two side of coin – positive or negative.
What positive thought patterns could help you to be better?
1. __________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________________
What negative thought pattern could destroy your academic performance?
1. __________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________________
You are what you think not what you wish.
Focus on getting the best you can possibly get in your academic pursuit. Remove your old disempowering thoughts, the limiting idea. Anything is possible; you can get incredible results in life. You can get to an amazing academic height in life. It is a matter of time.
What is the unthinkable but desirable academic grade you will want to obtain? List the grades.
Focus your thought on what you want and avoid every bit of distraction.
List some possible distractions that could pose a stumbling block in your way of progress:
1. __________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________________
The thought you focused on is what you become. A hazy idea of what type of grade you want will land you a non-descript performance.
Climb higher in your thought, paint the picture you want until it is so enriching and exhilarating that you are ready to run with it. What you don’t love you cannot be passionate about.
As a student, you must know why you are in school. Without this knowledge, you will regretfully realize it after many failures in the journey called life. Also, many students have short sights on where they are going i.e. they lack ambition and direction so they easily fall off. Your dominant thought help to form your vision in life. Thus, immediately you enroll in a school, you must have a clear goal of what kind of result you want to obtain. There must always be goals to accomplish in life.